

You’ll be surprised to know that there are so many interesting facts about your signature. It can reveal the most important features of your personality, which you couldn’t even imagine before. I think that handwriting analysis is really a fantastic subject to study and speak about.

The size of your letters is one of those things that are worth mentioning. Considering it, you can find out some new information about yourself. It is believed that shy, meticulous and withdrawn people mostly use small letters in their handwriting. Average letters characterize adaptable and well-adjusted individualities. Those who like to be in the spotlight will always use large letters. Or you might be an outspoken and outgoing person. This is also a great sign of your confidence.

Every time when I read illegible handwritings I feel a great discomfort. Recently I have learnt that the majority of arrogant people use an illegible signature. They don’t want to spend time making their letters clear for others as they think that a reader knows them well. Legible signature usually represents honest and open personalities who are satisfied with their life. Such people don’t hide anything from those who surround them.

Now, let’s look at the direction of your signature. This aspect is pretty easy to analyze. When you see a signature with a slant to the right you can be sure that its owner is sociable and friendly person. The signature slanted to the left shows us modest people who don’t like to push themselves forward.


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